
In honor of St. Patrick's Day....

It's a Green-Theme-Pinterest day!!!!!!
While I will not be able to, I would LOVE to wear all any of these things to celebrate 'my people'.

Images from: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Running Update:  Or maybe I should say running fail; no such luck for this bonita today, because somehow the alarm clock did not get set.  Therefore, this lady woke up at, wait for it..............8:30. 
 *cue grumpy-ass face*  
No way to start working by 10:00.  Therefore, a lesson has been learned and shall not be repeated.  However, when I started Couch2 5k, I knew that I would have to be flexible about it because the minute I attempt to make strict, non-negotiable plans, the shit hits the fan and reminds me to embrace life as it happens for that is the best way to enjoy it.  I suppose this is my body's way of telling me that I needed that extra 2.5 hours of sleep.  So I will not dwell on the negative of this, but shake it off and remember that there is always tomorrow and to find happiness somewhere in each day.  Wooo!

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